Sign With Robert - EP22 - Business, Signs and Hiring (34 min.)

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This episode is great for sign language students of all levels and a must-have for for businesses, students and people working in human resources. Episode 22 covers vocabulary chapters related to business and meeting protocols with Robert's Rules of Order; narrative chapters taught in ASL with audio voice over about how deaf people get work; and how video relay (VRS) works. The episode is in ASL with open captions to make it accessible and easy to follow. Each chapter in this episode also has voice over which you are free to mute if not needed.


Teacher Study Guide (PDF)

128- Episode 22 - Business Signs and Hiring (all chapters below in one clip) 33:24

129 Business Signs (OC) - 7:26

130 Robert's Rules of Order (OC) - 4:28

131 Guessing Game - Business Vocabulary (OC) - 5:22

132 How Deaf People Get Work (OC, VO) - 10:52

133 VRS - Video Relay Service (OC, VO) - 1:38

134 Guessing Game - Business Principles (OC) - 3:38

Numbers denote TRT (Total Running Time)

OC - Open Captioned - English captions are on the picture

VO - Voice Over in English (you can mute your device if you wish for no sound)

Note: You can choose to download the episode (all chapters in one long clip) or each individual chapter separately. The complete episode includes all the same content from the shorter chapters but it is one timeline back-to-back as an additional download/viewing option.

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Episode 22: Business Signs and Hiring Deaf People (34 minutes)

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Sign With Robert - EP22 - Business, Signs and Hiring (34 min.)

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